International applicants who have not acquired a university entrance certificate abroad are not permitted to register on the preparatory course at Studienkolleg.
Applying for a place on a preparatory course
You cannot apply directly for a place on the Studienkolleg. Applications must be submitted via the University at which you hope to subsequently study.
The deadline for applications for the next summer semester is 15 January; the deadline for the next winter semester is 15 July.
You will need to submit the following documents when you apply to the International Office (by post):
- Application form (PDF, 622 KB) (please also fill in section 10 of the form)
- University admission qualification (generally Abitur certificate or equivalent high school leaving certificate; where applicable: high school leaving certificate in combination with a university entrance examination certificate, and a certificate from the prior (one-year) higher education course).
- Updated resume
- Marriage certificate / official proof of change of name (where applicable)
- Letter of consent from legal guardian (for applicants under the age of 18)
- Certificate for non-EU/ECR citizens confirming recent participation in an intensive German language course (20 hours per week), at least to B2 level (European guidelines). You must have completed an intensive German course within 12 months of the end of the closing date for applications (15 Jan / 15 Jul, respectively). German language schools abroad have to be certified by the Goethe-Institut.
EU/ECR citizens do not have to furnish evidence of proficiency in German. - Applicants from the USA (unless they already hold a bachelor's degree) and applicants from Afghanistan should send an e-mail to in good time before the application deadline, enclosing their certificates, CV and the desired LMU degree program, in order to prepare for the issuing of a recognition letter the Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle für den Freistaat Bayern. The International Admissions office also reserves the right to require a recognition letter from Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle in other individual cases.
- Applicants from the PR China, India and Vietnam should submit the certificate of the Akademische Prüfstelle bei der Deutschen Botschaft (APS).
Note for repeat applications: If you failed to pass the entrance examination for the preparatory course and wish to reapply, you must provide proof that you have recently completed (renewed) an intensive German course (within 6 months of the end of the closing date for applications) to at least C1 level.
Acceptance on a preparatory course
If the University accepts your application (acceptance onto a degree program), the University will send you a written invitation to complete an entrance examination for a preparatory course at Studienkolleg München. You will need to submit this letter when you apply for a visa. The entrance examinations (German and Mathematics tests, or just German if you're attending a course G) for the preparatory courses are held in September and February at Studienkolleg in Munich. Due to high demand and a limited number of places on the preparatory course, all applicants are required to sit the entrance examination.
Past papers for the German test and sample math questions
Attending the Studienkolleg in Munich
If you pass the entrance examination for the preparatory course, you can register for one of the following courses, depending on the subject you wish to study, and register at one of the two universities in Munich. In order to do so, you must present a valid visa (category D, reason for residency: study) before the deadline.
The courses last for one year (2 semesters). They comprise 32-36 lessons per week. Attendance is compulsory.
You will be required to prepare oral and written work for the lessons on a regular basis. In each subject, you will be required to sit two exams each semester (one exam for subjects which are only taught two hours per week). You can only move on to the second semester once you have passed the exams in the first semester. You can only retake each semester once. Students may be excluded from repeating a semester.
If you do not attend the classes regularly, or you fail a semester the second time around, you will be expelled. In such cases, you will not be permitted to attend another preparatory course or study at a university in Germany.
Types of courses
- Course T for engineering, math and science degree programs, e.g. for Bioinformatics (also course M), Chemistry (also course M), Geography, Geology, Computer Science, Math, Mineralogy, Physics, Statistics (also course W), Business Informatics (also course W);
Subjects: approx. 10 hours German: approx. 8 hours Math: approx. 12 hours Physics and Chemistry: 2 hours Computer Science / Constructive Geometry / Electrical Engineering (depending on chosen degree program) - Course M for medical / biology-related degree programs, e.g. for Biochemistry, Bioinformatics (also course T), Biology, Chemistry (also course T), Geoecology, Medicine, Molecular Mioengineering, Pharmacy, Psychology (also course G), Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry;
Subjects: approx. 10 hours German: approx. 16 hours Chemistry, Biology and Physics: 4 hours Math: 4 hours Latin/Greek vocabulary - Course W for business science & social science degree programs, e.g. for Business Studies, European Economics, Financial and Business Mathematics, Law (also course G), Social Sciences, Sociology, Economics, Economic Geography, Business Informatics (also course T), Business Education, Economic Science;
Subjects: approx. 8 hours German: approx. 8 hours Math: approx. 10 hours Economics and Business Studies: 2 hours Social Studies: 4-6 hours English - Course G for humanities, arts, languages and social science degree programs (where these are not assigned to course W) and for Psychology (also course M) and Law (also course W);
Subjects: approx. 10 hours German: approx. 6 hours Literature: 4-6 hours History: 6 hours Social Studies: 4-6 hours Latin or English (depending on degree program)
Assessment for university
At the end of the second semester of the preparatory course, you will be required to complete an assessment. In exceptional cases, you may be permitted to complete the assessment at the end of the first semester. Once you have passed the assessment, you may apply to any German university (or college of higher education) to study any of the subjects assigned to your respective course. However, if you wish to study a subject with numerus clausus admission restrictions or other selection criteria, a place cannot be guaranteed even once you have passed the assessment.
The Munich preparatory course is free of charge. Students will be required to pay for their own books and materials (approx. 50 euros per semester). The semester fee for university registration is payable as soon as you register at the University. Health insurance cover is mandatory (but we do not need a proof for registration).
More information
For more information, please see the website for the Munich preparatory course: Studienkolleg München.